Special Ed. Post-Baccalaureate

Enhance your current teaching certification with our program.
30 Credit Hours
What You'll Learn in the Post-Baccalaureate Certification program
You'll learn advanced teaching strategies for students with a wide range of learning disabilities and behavior disorders.
What You Can Do with a post-baccalaureate certification
You can expand your career possibilities by teaching special education classes, or you can assume leadership roles in special education with our special education director certification.
Admission to the program
For admission to Morehead State University, see MSU admission requirements.
- Unconditional admission to the program.
- Successful completion of a prior teacher education program, and
- Attainment of a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in an undergraduate program of teacher preparation, or
- Successful completion of a graduate program in education at either the initial or advanced level.
- Special Education LBD (P-12) Certification (for teachers currently certified in another area)
- Special Education LBD (P-12) Certification (for teachers with prior certification in Special Education)
- Special Education MSD (P-12) Certification (for teachers currently certified in another area)
- Special Education MSD (P-12) Certification (for teachers with prior certification in Special Education)
More Information
Morehead State CatalogTeacher Education
Explore the DepartmentContact Us
Department of Teacher Education
Dr. Timothy Simpson, chair
301 Ginger Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: tedu@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2598