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MAT-Secondary Education, M.A.


Teach the topics that interest you most with our program.


Master of Arts (M.A.)






36 Credit Hours

Course Requirements

What You'll Learn in the mat-secondary education program

You'll be qualified to teach middle and high school in Kentucky public and private schools. You will learn in-demand skills like speaking, writing, working with others, thinking critically, and being professional.

Explore More 

  • Curriculum Developer 
  • Education Consultant 
  • Education Policy Analyst 
  • Educational Administrator 
  • High School Teacher 
  • Middle School Teacher 
  • School Counselor 
  • Special Education Teacher (for secondary level) 
  • Subject Area Teacher (e.g., English Teacher, Math Teacher, Science Teacher) 

  • Clark County Public Schools - Kentucky
  • Fayette County Public Schools (KY) 
  • Floyd County Schools 
  • Jefferson County Public Schools 
  • Russell Independent Schools 

Option six and the traditional program

Option Six Program: A student is admitted to the Option Six program for middle grades  5-9 or secondary MAT when he/she obtains a full-time teaching position within a Kentucky-accredited school. At that time, a temporary provisional certificate can be issued, which is valid for one year and must be renewed each additional year through the MAT program for a total of three years. 

Traditional Program: A student will be admitted to the traditional program for middle grades 5-9 or secondary MAT if he/she wishes to complete the student teaching requirement as per KY EPSB regulations.  

Admission to the mat-secondary education program

You must be accepted for graduate study at MSU.

In addition, you must:

  • Have a 2.75 GPA earned in an undergraduate or graduate degree or a 3.0 GPA on the last 30 hours of credit completed including graduate and undergraduate work.
  • Successful completion of the Praxis Pre-Professional Skills Test or Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE).
  • The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) was administered by the Education Testing Service with the following corresponding minimum scores on the corresponding sections: verbal reasoning, 150; quantitative reasoning, 143; and analytical writing, 4.0.

Additional Requirements

  • Completion of and successful evaluation by program faculty of an admission interview demonstrating:
    • Effective communication
    • Creativity
    • Critical thinking
    • Ability to effectively collaborate with others
    • An understanding of the professional dispositions required of teachers.
  • A signed statement that the applicant has read and understands the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Certified Personnel and Kentucky's fitness and character requirements for teachers.
  • CAN check application
  • Praxis II Content or Specialty Area Exam/s
  • Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching Test (PLT)
  • Completion of Online Diversity Field Experience workshop
  • Submission of a national and state criminal history background check by the Kentucky State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation that meets the requirements of Kentucky House Bill 204.
  • Students are responsible for keeping up to date with the testing requirements found on the Education Professional Standards Board website which are subject to change.

Contact Information

MAT-Middle Grades & Secondary Education

601 Ginger Hall
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2503