Are you a mathematics, physics, chemistry, or biology major? MSUTeach is a program with a flexible approach that expands your career opportunities. You'll have the option of pursuing a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) career, graduate school, or teaching and sharing your passion with students. Through this program, best teaching practices are integrated within your content area, allowing you to complete a Bachelor of Science degree within four years while earning teacher certification.
Register for UTCH 100. It’s open to all students, and you get to teach in an authentic classroom. Upon successful completion, you may be eligible to be reimbursed for the class. MSUTeach is a way for STEM majors to get the best of both worlds: to gain a bachelor’s degree in your content area (biology, chemistry, earth science, mathematics, or physics) and certification in secondary education. For more information, contact Dr. David Long, associate professor of STEM education, at
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Contact Information
102 Lloyd Cassidy Bldg.
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-9036