Educational Technology, M.A.

Learn the skills to enhance student learning through technology.
Master of Arts (M.A.)
30 Credit Hours
What You’ll Learn in educational technology
Learn how to use instructional technology and design to build curricula for students in Kentucky schools. From designing an online learning environment to the use of educational computer games, our program gives you the skills to maximize the use of technology in learning.
You can also earn a computer technology endorsement as part of the program.
What You Can Do with an educational technology Degree
Our M.A. option prepares you for positions in instructional technology at schools and for technology leadership positions at the district level.
What makes Morehead State's Program Different
Our online classes let you fit earning your master’s into your busy lifestyle, allowing you to take classes at your own pace.
Admission to the Educational Technology Program
The Master of Arts in Educational Technology has unique admission requirements in addition to and separate from MSU’s graduate admission requirements. To enroll, you must be accepted for graduate study at Morehead State.
- General admission to graduate study.
- Standard or provisional teaching certification, a statement of eligibility for teaching, or letter describing your role as educational support. Those students who fit the criteria of educational support will be able to obtain the master's degree, but it cannot be used for initial teacher certification.
- A GRE minimum combined score of 283 (verbal and quantitative) and 2.5 on the analytic writing portion or a minimum 31 raw score (381-386 Scaled Score) on the Miller Analogies Test.
- For students who have not met testing requirements for admission into the program, but who have successfully completed 12 hours of coursework required for the program with a 3.5 or above GPA, the department chair may waive the testing requirement.
- The testing requirement is waived for students who have already completed a master's degree.
- A minimum of 2.75 undergraduate GPA.
- Demonstrated competency of computer fluency (i.e. undergraduate or graduate computer competency course or computer competency assessment).
You must submit a professional portfolio demonstrating work completed within the program during the final semester of graduate work. The professional portfolio will encompass projects completed in the program showing mastery of the educational technology and instructional design skills developed within the program. The portfolio must be submitted to your advisor by the scheduled due date. You should arrange to complete the professional portfolio before the end of the semester in which you plan to complete the degree.
Additional requirements include maintaining a 3.0 GPA in all courses and completing the College of Education online training module on diversity. Degree candidates will be notified of this requirement at the time of admission and must finish it before program completion. For more information, view this program's degree plan.
- Educational Technology, Master of Arts
- Educational Technology, Rank I
- Specialization in Educational Technology, Doctor of Education
For option details, visit the Graduate Catalog.
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More information
See the current catalog for detailed requirements.
Morehead State CatalogFoundational & Grad. Studies in Ed. Department
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Department of Foundational & Graduate Studies in Education
503 Ginger Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2261
FAX: 606-783-5032